

The Canvas Settings page offers a comprehensive preview at the top, showcasing the selected canvas along with its frame background and precise shape. This visual representation aids in understanding how your choices affect the final design.

Frame Shape Selection

  • Frame Shape: Choose the overall shape of your frame from an array of options, each altering the canvas’s boundary to fit the selected form. Available shapes include:

    • Rectangle

    • Ellipse

    • Triangle

    • Heart

    • Arrow

    • Star

    • Cross

    • Leaf

    • Polygon

Canvas Size and Performance

  • Size: Define the canvas width and height in millimeters. The precision of pattern generation, measured in values such as 0.1mm, directly influences the memory and CPU resources required for pattern creation.


    A larger canvas size, especially with high precision settings, demands significant memory and CPU resources to populate the canvas with patterns.

Margin and Backgrounds

  • Margin: Specify the canvas margin in millimeters. This margin is added to the overall dimensions of the canvas, affecting the framing of your design.

  • Canvas Background: Select the background color for your canvas. The eye icon toggles the background between opaque and transparent, while the adjacent buttons allow for color selection from presets or via the operating system’s color picker.

  • Frame Background: Similarly, choose the frame area’s background color, following the same selection process as the canvas background.

Frame Customization

  • Frame Ratio: Adjust how the frame’s shape occupies the canvas space. A 100% frame ratio stretches the shape to cover the entire canvas, whereas a 0% ratio centers the shape within a square frame. Intermediate values offer a blend between these extremes.

  • Rotation: Rotate the frame shape around its center. The degree of rotation varies depending on the chosen shape, offering additional customization.

Shape-Specific Parameters

As you select different frame shapes, additional controls may appear, providing further customization options for the specific characteristics of each shape. These sliders allow for fine-tuning, ensuring your canvas perfectly suits your design requirements.